Morning Highlights

The market is trending strongly upwards during the first hour of trading. The STI is up by approximately 35 points. Currently, the market is easing off.


We are looking for a short term LONG position for City DevelopmentTo buy at 8.08, Stop Loss at 8.02 and Take Profit at 8.14


Afternoon Highlights

We are not focusing on any particular sector for today.

**City Development Standby Position has been cancelled as it falls below 7.99CTDM is being short squeeze during 4pm today. It can be seen very clear on the long. There are some unusual transactions going through. See Chart: 

This afternoon, we are looking at SaTs Service. There is a strong support at 2.11. Waiting for a breakout at 2.22 but do watch out for overhead resistance at 2.26.


Wilmar is a strong stock. Based on the daily chart, there is a setup at 5.32. To buy at 5.33, Stop Loss at 5.08 and Take Profit at 5.58. 


Refer to Attached Charts below, all the 3 Major European Markets have their moving averages pointing down. The  3 European Markets have been dropping for 5 consecutive days. Today is the first day UP. We suspect most likely is a market throwback.


With regards to the Dow Jones, the moving averages are also pointing downwards. However, the pattern displays a 1 day up and 1 day down instead. This gives telltale signs that the market will go choppy. 

** Here are some of the unusual transactions going through for CTDM during 4pm:

[Denote: S = people book the offer / B = People hit the bid]

15:54:13 8.647 19 X (force key in to buy up)

 15:54:12 8.539 8 X (force key in to buy up)

15:54:11 8.525 10 X (force key in to buy up)

 15:54:11 8.520 1 B

 15:54:10 8.494 14 X (force key in to buy up)

 15:54:09 8.414 34 X (force key in to buy up)

 15:54:07 8.364 34 X (force key in to buy up)

15:54:06 8.330 1 B

15:54:04 8.330 1 B

15:54:03 8.330 6 B

15:54:02 8.330 10 S

15:54:01 8.330 8 B

15:53:57 8.330 1 B

15:53:54 8.330 1 B

15:53:53 8.330 8 B

15:53:52 8.325 30 X (force key in to buy up)

15:53:51 8.320 4 B

15:53:50 8.320 1 B



In Summary,

The STI is only up with two thirds of yesterday’s volume. Apparently this is not a good sign. We will have to continue to observe closely for further indications.